Thursday, July 20, 2006

Natural Disasters & Peacemaking--WorldWatch Institute

From the Worldwatch Institute:

With the number of disasters (and their devastating impacts) increasing worldwide, Worldwatch has initiated a major research and policy project on "un-natural" disasters. Many of the earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods that batter the globe are "un-natural disasters" because preventable human actions, including wetlands destruction, global warming, and population growth, turn natural hazards into humanitarian disasters.

The project looks specifically at disasters in conflict areas, proposing innovative ways to work towards peace during the relief and rebuilding processes. "While grim in its origin, post-disaster humanitarian action can be a powerful catalyst for overcoming deep human divides," says Michael Renner, Worldwatch Senior Researcher and Director of the Institute's Global Security Project. "But humanitarian impulses must be translated into tangible political change, or else lasting peace may not be achieved."

Visit our Disasters & Peacemaking portal for daily news updates and Worldwatch analysis relevant to "un-natural" disasters and their worldwide effects. The links will also be available via Worldwatch's listserv.

Recent Reports:

New Worldwatch Article on Peacemaking after Disasters - July 17

New Report: In the Wake of the Storm: Environment, Disaster, and Race After Katrina


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