Friday, May 26, 2006

After Katrina: Building a Better Public Health System for the Future

June 9, 2006, 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET

As a follow-up to its previous March 31, 2006 Public Health Grand Rounds session, the UNC School of Public Health and the CDC are hosted their second National Satellite Broadcast & Webcast on June 9.
Ensuring access to primary care, promoting healthy behaviors, and designing healthy neighborhoods are among the goals that will contribute to the framework for a healthier Greater New Orleans. Community leaders representing all sectors from private businesses to non-profits to government agencies have claimed a stake in achieving these goals. The challenges they face include funding, coordination with other planning efforts, gaining support from stakeholders, and the uncertainty of repopulation.

The Public's Stake in Health Emergency Planning

On Tuesday this week in Washington DC, a joint U.S.-Canadian summit titled Disease, Disaster and Democracy: The public’s stake in health emergency planning was hosted by the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Biosecurity in collaboration with the Canadian Policy Research Network; The Center for Science, Technology and Security Policy, the American Association for the Advancement of Science; and the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), a U.S. Department of Homeland Security University Center of Excellence.
The purpose of the summit was to advise government, public health and disaster management leaders on the feasibility and benefits of actively engaging citizens in planning for large-scale health emergencies, in anticipation of the ethical dilemmas posed by a scarcity of life-saving medical resources and the logistical difficulties of protecting the well and caring for the sick in large numbers.
The keynote address on "Why the Public’s Trust and Help Matter in Health Emergencies" was delivered by Dr. D.A. Henderson, of the Center for Biosecurity and former Dean of the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.

The panel sessions that followed outlined the benefits to government of citizen engagement along with an inside look at current citizen engagement programs, by representatives from the U.S. and Canadian government organizations, and grassroots and faith-based organizations.

Afternoon roundtable exercises focused on pandemic flu, specifically addressing the issues of determining which populations would receive the flu vaccine and the healthcare system’s capacity to manage the sick and the healthy, while maintaining essential medical services. Participants in roundtable discussions included representatives from federal, state and city U.S. government, Canadian government, voluntary and humanitarian relief organizations, hospital administration, community organizations and businesses.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Help Keep Louisiana's Gov from Selling Out Displaced Citizens

Click on the image to view full-size poster ad developed by

You can learn more about the efforts of Color of Change to support Louisiana's displaced citizens here.

To support satellite voting, and to keep the Government of Louisiana from disfranchising its displaced citizens, call Governor Blanco at 866-366-1121.